Sunday, May 22, 2011

Top Ten Videogame Villains

Number 10:

The Special Infected- Left 4 Dead

They’re just annoying to fight and attack at the worst times. Tons of hordes and thousands of zombies? Fine. Throw in the special infected and it is a completely different ballgame. They can drag you from where you want to be to the worst locations ever, they can pin you to the floor and keep you from moving, or they can make you the target of a vicious horde. Their range of skills and range of attack are what makes them dangerous. I can't stand being alone and unable to fight and for some reason, they seem to make that happen.

Number 9:

Professor Hojo- Final Fantasy VII Series

Hojo (not Howard Johnson) is the deranged mind behind much evil in the Final Fantasy 7 world. He single-handedly ruined the lives of countless people and made anarchy a way of life. From his evil laugh to his ugly appearance, and the fact he is Sephiroth's "father," makes this mad scientist a pain in the butt to deal with and to look at. He annoys the very core of my being.

Number 8:

Ganon/Ganondorf- The Legend of Zelda Series

How many time has he tried to kidnap a Princess named Zelda (for some reason) over many different "Hyrules" in different times, ages, and worlds? Jeez. The master of magic may be strong and may command a vast army, but he lacks the intelligence to realize who his foe is early on. Why not just kill him BEFORE he powers up huh? It'd make life easier. His powers as a sorcerer are unmatched and his strength and ability are amazing. His power grants him number 8 but his stupidity drops him from the higher tier.

Number 7:

Sturm- Advance Wars

Aside from being a major badass, his mysterious demeanor and cold personality makes Sturm the Adolf Hitler of Advance Wars. Actually, I believe he is based off of Hitler. Just a fun bad guy to fight against. He plans on taking over the world and stops at nothing to do so. He is ruthless and a great commander. He truly is the Adolf Hitler of Advance Wars and has the tech, weapons, and strategy to prove it.

Number 6:

President Eden- Fallout 3

President Eden leads the Enclave in Fallout 3. He is cool, calm, and collected and highly logical. He seems emotionless through the game yet very calculated and manipulative. His dedication to "pure" humanity drives him to desire the death of all human, mutant, and animal life outside of his control and command. Essentially he wants to kill everybody and everything that he has not preserved. He is scheming and cunning, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Though he is actually a computer program he manifests all we hate in politicians. He lies, he plots, he is aggressive, and he remains calm and collected even under threats of death. His downfall? He is a computer, and computers can be locked in a circle of logic. Oh yeah, they also come with a self-destruct.

Number 5:

Ridley- Metroid Series


One persistent son of a gun; Ridley has hunted you down for a long time and you have hunted him down as well. No matter how many times you kill him he manages to survive, and grow in combat skill. He has new moves, new armor, and the same old screech in every game. Ridley is a worthy rival and annoying boss.

Number 4:

Miles Edgeworth- Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Series

From the cravat to his "red" suit, Edgeworth is a fun bad guy. He is an enjoyable and intelligent villain who turns into a protagonist. His abilities as a lawyer are amazing and leave you feeling victorious and accomplished when you beat him. The joy you feel seeing him in front of you matches the fear you feel when he stands in the lawyer’s box across from you. You love and hate Edgeworth, unless you're playing Investigations in which he is the main character (then you just love him).

Number 3:

Sarah Kerrigan- Starcraft

The Queen of Blades can kick your ass in so many ways it is actually a bit funny. She is bad-ass incarnated. She commands one of the largest videogame armies ever and her troops are powerful and clever. Her abilities to regenerate and rip through all things as well as her combat skills make her a one-person army as well. She has earned her name The Queen of Blades. She is smart, vengeful, and strong. She is definitely one of the most feared bad guys I have ever faced. I almost cry in fear when she comes for me.

Number 2:

Bowser- Super Mario Series

His persistence of kidnapping the same princess over and over while constantly losing earns him respect. He also manages to kill his enemy multiple times just for one death. His kill/death ratio is very high. He also commands a huge army of weird troops and manages to shift the world and environment in his favor. Talk about evil.

Number 1:

Albert Wesker- Resident Evil Series

Albert Wesker manifests all we want and need from a villain. Wesker is a scheming, evil man to his very core. Deranged and psychopathic in many ways, he is also very intelligent, superhumanly strong, fast and endurable. He stops at nothing and spares nobody just to achieve his goals. He is the Darth Vader of videogames, just much more evil and intelligent. He also reserves the right to be a god. He is the one villain that makes me cringe in fear, the one guy I never want to meet, the one guy who haunts my nightmares and causes sleepless nights. When you beat Wesker, even a little, you feel like a god.

I did leave some people out for reasons unknown to you viewers! Also remember I limit myself to games I ACTUALLY HAVE PLAYED!!! Some villains are much more evil, but I did not include them for the sake they are NOT in games I played.

- Neezo


  1. What about Cyrus? For a pokémon game he was a pretty evil villain. He straight up wanted to destroy the world! I feel like Ganondorf should be a bit higher. You have to be sort of intelligent to defy death like 100 times. Although, that would put Bowser in a similar realm.

  2. I guess Cyrus was pretty badass... but I'm not sure using Pokemon to destroy the world is nearly as evil as it seems.... and he really didn't have that "I just won! FINALLY!" vibe.

  3. Magus from Chrono Trigger is definitely a good villain. Though technically he's more of an anti-hero.
