Friday, September 9, 2011

The Nintendo Wii: A Retrospective

As we come toward the new Nintendo system, the Wii U (which can't be uttered without a chuckle or two) - not to mention the 3DS - what can be said of its predecessor? Really, I can't think of more than ten games that were by any means phenomenal for it. Its most intriguing feature (which drove me to buy the system) was the Virtual Console. However, the PS3 and the XBox have similar functions, with arguably better and less outdated games.

The other feature, which grabbed the attention of the avant guard (for lack of a better term) of gamers is the Wii remote, which allowed a new kind of gaming altogether. But was this crux that ultimately saved or doomed the system? So few games were memorable. And yet the Wii had probably more success or at least the same as the XBox and the PS3.

For a comparison, let's look at the Gamecube. That system has a plethora of memorable games, and not just signature Nintendo ones, like Resident Evil 4, Skies of Arcadia, Tales of Symphonia, and so on. To be fair, the Wii had some non-Nintendo games that were good, but most were gimmicky and nuanced from normal game play. This includes but is not limited to Muramasa the Demon Blade (which I reviewed here), A Boy and his Blob (which I have heard is good) and Zack and Daxter. But the Gamecube, in my opinion, still rises above the Wii. This is because it is compatible with games that use a regular controller, allowing for more flexibility for game developers. The Wii remote almost seemed to hamper it.

As someone who owns a Wii, I am on the hunt of owning an XBox or PS3, for nothing less than owning those games that the Wii is not compatible with (Arkham Asylum, Castlevania Lords of Shadow, etc.). The gimmicky nature of the Wii doesn't enthrall me enough to want it as my only console. Sure, it has great Nintendo-made games, such as Metroid Prime, Metroid Other M, Fire Emblem, and especially Brawl, but it seems that the cons outweighed the pros in the end with the Wii. Maybe. I am, and will remain, a Nintendo fan, and the Wii will always have a special place in my heart. There are just times when I feel like I was cheated.

So as we look forward to a new system and new horizons, Nintendo fans take heart! It looks like, as usual, Nintendo is the leading force in the newest forms of gaming. Before the Ipad or the Ipod, there was the Nintendo DS. Before the Playstation or the Xbox, there was the NES. I guess we can't credit Nintendo for Pong, but it did come out with a trading card game long before computers were a part of regular life.

I don't think I will purchase a Wii U (giggles) straight away, but I look forward to seeing what Nintendo is coming out with, as always. Hopefully, I can beat all the Zelda games before the Skyward Sword comes out. Game on!